Exciting! Levitation protocol research paper

Hey folks!

For the last year the SKALE community open source research team as well as some core engineers
researched ways to run decentralized Zero Knowledge Rollups (ZKRs) on SKALE chains.

We’ve received a huge outpouring of ideas from developers and researchers across the community!

Here is a link to the Levitation Protocol research paper - a novel, decentralized approach for ZKRs. We invite the community to join the conversation, share your thoughts and provide feedback!

Please have fun reading and post any questions/comments here!



This is really interesting. I really like the dual-natured chains with the ability to have high security assets, and lower security intermediate data. I also really like the modular nature, because I’m super interested in non-evm ZK as well.


This is awesome, kudos to the SKALE Team, this is a great leap forward. :clap: :clap: :clap: