Delegate in SKALE via Etherscan

Delegate in SKALE via Etherscan

ImToken has support for Etherscan, and you can delegate either directly through the Delegation Contract, or if you have a vesting schedule your Escrow Wallet (the wallet holding your unvested SKL tokens) on Etherscan.

If you have an escrow contract, you must delegate through your Escrow Contract

Delegate via Delegation Controller

Navigate to:

Delegate Tokens:

  1. Click the Connect to Web3 button at the top.

  2. Delegate tokens

    Validator ID: Find validator Id here:

    Amount: Convert amount you want to send into WEI here:

    if you want to send 10 SKL amount entered will equal 10000000000000000000

    Delegation Period: 2

    Info: Etherscan

Delegate via Escrow Contract

Retrieve your escrow wallet address

Enable proxy contract for your escrow wallet

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your escrow wallet address from above
  3. Click Save

Navigate to:

Delegate Tokens:

  1. Click the Connect to Web3 button at the top.

  2. Delegate tokens

    Validator ID: Find validator Id here:

    Amount: Convert amount you want to send into WEI here:

    if you want to send 10 SKL amount entered will equal 10000000000000000000

    Delegation Period: 2

    Info: Etherscan